We have all heard the saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”. But how true is it? Here we explore the real benefits of apples:
Apples may Lower high cholesterol and blood pressure
Apples, thanks to the soluble fiber they contain, are related to benefits like lowering and preventing cholesterol from accumulating build up inside the blood vessels. (1)
Studies have proven that consuming apples regularly can reduce stroke risk by 52% as well as the risk of cardiovascular disease. (1)
Apples may improve the immune system
Studies have shown that regular intake of vitamin C, an immune-boosting vitamin that apples are rich in, helps the immune system to function properly. (1)
For example, vitamin C can protect people from environmental oxidative stress, including various types of pollution and radiation and it can also strengthen the body tissues, making them more pathogens resistant. (1)
Apples may improve mental health
A 2020 study, published in the National Institutes of Health journal PubMed Central, found that fruits and vegetables consumption have a positive effect on a person’s mental health. Researchers advised those interested in reaping these benefits to eat at least five portions of fruit a day. (2)
Apples may support weight loss
Research suggests that eating whole apples, compared to drinking equal amounts of apple juice, may reduce the rate at which your stomach empties which is known as (gastric emptying), resulting in increased fullness time and reduced Body Mass Index (BMI). (3)
Additionally, apples also have some type of antioxidants called polyphenols that may have anti-obesity effects. (3)
Apples may promote your gut health
A healthy gut is essential when it comes to overall health. Apples have a fiber called pectin that acts as a probiotic, promoting the growth of good bacteria in your colon and improving the ratio of Bacteroidetes to Firmicutes, the two main types of bacteria in the gut. (3)
In conclusion, although apples may not be a cure for all disease, they are, along with a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle, considered a beneficial component of a preventive health care regimen. (4)
(1) 8 Outstanding Health Benefits of Apples (everydayhealth.com)
(2) Apples: Benefits, nutrition, and tips (medicalnewstoday.com)
(3) 10 Impressive Health Benefits of Apples (healthline.com)
(4) Apple a Day Benefits Are Actually Pretty Legit | Well+Good (wellandgood.com)
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